Clearly, the film will have a sports backdrop to it and will be a totally unique class for both Sai Srinivas and Ohmkar. Now, Bellamkonda is shooting for Sakshyam, which stars Pooja Hegde as female lead under the direction of Sriwass. Srinivas' last excursion in the cinematic world was the Boyapati Srinu directorial Jaya Janaki Nayaka which was made on a luxurious spending plan yet wound up collecting much more praise for the director than the actor. On other hand, Ohmkar has come back from a trip to Thailand, a get-away he took after Raju Gari Gadhi 2.
Clearly, the film will have a sports backdrop to it and will be a totally unique class for both Sai Srinivas and Ohmkar. Now, Bellamkonda is shooting for Sakshyam, which stars Pooja Hegde as female lead under the direction of Sriwass. Srinivas' last excursion in the cinematic world was the Boyapati Srinu directorial Jaya Janaki Nayaka which was made on a luxurious spending plan yet wound up collecting much more praise for the director than the actor. On other hand, Ohmkar has come back from a trip to Thailand, a get-away he took after Raju Gari Gadhi 2.
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